Document Drafting

The Essential Guide to Document Automation for Lawyers

The Essential Guide to Document Automation for Lawyers

Legal document automation is a system or workflow that helps create electronic documents using data already collected. It is used to speed up the drafting process, so you can focus on activities that move the needle, reduce margin for human error, and maintain/increase profit margins.

In this essential guide, we’re going to walk you through what document automation is, the benefits for law firms like yours, how to choose the right software for you, and how to ensure the implementation is a success.

How Using a Clause Library Streamlines Your Legal Document Drafting

How Using a Clause Library Streamlines Your Legal Document Drafting

Poorly or loosely worded contracts or legal documents with outdated language can have far-reaching consequences, including negatively impacting your organization’s productivity and worse, opening up your client to risk.

If you don’t want these practices to hinder the growth and reputation of your firm, then it may be time to consider implementing the use of standardized clauses across your team, stored in a central repository, such as Woodpecker’s clause library.

5 Best Practices for Drafting Modern Legal Documents

5 Best Practices for Drafting Modern Legal Documents

Drafting legal documentation is nothing new for lawyers and attorneys. You've gone through the courses, read the books, and put it all into practice. But there are some ‘flaws’ with legal writing that often result in a low-value, low-quality document that can damage your reputation and credibility.

In order to become the go-to law firm to handle people’s legal affairs, you need to step up your document game. It’s time to unravel any bad habits and poor practices that can mean the difference between winning and losing both clients and cases.

Using Automated Law Firm Invoice Templates in Microsoft Word

Using Automated Law Firm Invoice Templates in Microsoft Word

Administrative tasks can take up 48% of an attorney’s time. Automated templates drastically reduce time spent on repetitive tasks so you can be more responsive to clients and log more billable work to increase the firm’s revenue.

The most logical place to start is a quick win to create momentum and speed up the shift from manual processes to automation. Generating invoices is one of those recurring, time-intensive, and sometimes repetitive tasks that can be quickly and can easily be automated with technology such as Woodpecker’s Word add-in.

4 Ways Smart Templates Create a Competitive Advantage for Your Practice

4 Ways Smart Templates Create a Competitive Advantage for Your Practice

Manually producing paperwork is not only inefficient and error-prone—it prevents your firm from competing in the evolving legal marketplace. Whether you invest in a comprehensive document management system or opt for low-cost solution like Woodpecker, there are numerous reasons to standardize your legal documents with smart templates.