MS Office

Word Add-ins Every Lawyer Should Know

Word Add-ins Every Lawyer Should Know

For lawyers, document drafting is a demanding and time-intensive part of the job. The constant pressure for high-quality legal documents in short time frames, especially for a high-volume practice, can be overwhelming. Fortunately, modern attorneys have access to a new way of dealing with this pressure that past generations did not: Word add-ins that assist lawyers with document drafting.

Three Immediate Productivity Boosts from Using Microsoft Office the Right Way

Three Immediate Productivity Boosts from Using Microsoft Office the Right Way

We’ve yet to meet an attorney who finds that they have enough hours in the day.  We also haven’t met an attorney who isn’t using Microsoft Office. Unfortunately, we’ve also yet to meet an attorney who uses the power of Office to its fullest extent and to their best advantage.  In fact, many attorneys seem caught up in using Office in ways that hold them back.  So, this is not an article about things to do in Office, but about things to stop doing.

Woodpecker Named Zapier's "Best Free Word Add-in"

Woodpecker Named Zapier's "Best Free Word Add-in"

We work hard to ensure that we provide our users with the best legal document automation tool that we possibly can, and folks are taking notice! Zapier, has named Woodpecker the best free Microsoft Office add-in, and we're beyond excited to see that our efforts are getting attention.